Rides Quiz

"Rides" Quiz

1. What was Valli's favourite pastime?

Playing games
Standing in the doorway and watching the street
Talking to her friends

2. How old was Valli?

Six years
Seven years
Eight years

3. What fascinated Valli the most?

The bus traveling between her village and the town
The street games
Her school

4. How far was the town from Valli's village?

Six miles
Ten miles
Fifteen miles

5. How much was the bus fare one way?

Ten paise
Thirty paise
Fifty paise

6. What did Valli shout in English when she was jealous?


7. What did Valli do when the bus arrived?

Ran away
Shouted for it to stop
Waited quietly

8. How did the conductor address Valli?

Little girl
Young lady

9. How did Valli observe the outside scenery?

By looking through the window
By standing on the seat
By opening the blind

10. What was the interior of the bus like?

Old and shabby
New and luxurious
Small and cramped